by Charlotte Kapitza


Motivation is different for everyone, and finding out what motivates you is a huge asset when it comes to reaching your goals. Following a workout program or meal plan is easier said than done, obstacles and daily life pop up that can throw you off track or demotivate you.


Write down the answers to these questions on a piece of paper. Re read them, and go back to them when you’re feeling unsure about your journey and thinking about quitting. Finding out your WHY could be the biggest asset in how you get and stay motivated.

  1. Why do you want to reach this particular goal?
  2. What does your life look like (what will change) if you reach this goal?
  3. What does your life look like if you DON’T?


So often people have these big goals like “lose some weight” or vague goals like “get toned”. Any goal should be treated like going a flight of stairs, to get to the top you have to use each stair – you can’t just teleport yourself up to the final step. Each step is a choice, a meal, a workout. Setting tangible real goals that you can track, and making those goals small parts of the bigger picture will keep you motivated. Reaching a weekly goal will boost your mindset and encourage you to keep up the progress, where as blindly trying to reach a 3-month goal with no steps along the way can seem daunting throw you off course.

For example, if your end goal is to lose 30lbs start by trying to lose 5. Give yourself a realistic time frame to do so, maybe 3 weeks sounds good to you. Get to that point, then repeat or increase the goal.


  • WALK 10,000 steps per day – use a fit tracker device or your smartphone to track your steps. Compare daily statistics and think about how you can get more than the previous day.
  • Record anytime you reach a goal – “Streaks” is an app that gives you suggested and customizable regular tasks that you can check off each time you do it. It will tell you how many times in a row you’ve completed the task, encouraging you to reach the longest streak possible.
  • Write down your goals, make 2 week, 1 month, and 3 month goals. Put it on a calendar to remind you.


TO OTHERS: Telling someone about your meal plan can influence your daily choices. If I’ve told my friends, family and co-workers that I’m doing a cleanse, a specific diet, whatever it may be… I’m more likely to stick to it when they’re around. While I’m at work, instead of snacking on fries I’ll reach for the fruit. Knowing they’re watching – even if they wouldn’t say anything about my slip up – is a big motivator for me.

TO YOURSELF: Another way to stay accountable to yourself is keeping a food diary. There are tons of aps out there that help you record your food intake. For me, I take the simple notepad and paper route. I put down the date, each meal, and exactly what I ate including all spices and oils used for cooking.


Having a gym buddy has helped me so much, especially as a beginner in the gym. Sometimes just getting there is half the battle; making a plan with a friend to meet at the gym will ensure that you actually go.

Having someone to be there with you has so many benefits, from the social aspect to a bit of friendly competition, it can be a way for you to actually finish the planned workout. I don’t know how many times I’ve gone to the gym only to half-ass my workout, but when I go with a friend it’s almost like you owe it to that other person to get in a good workout.

Classes can also help start up a fitness journey, especially if you’re new to working out. It’s a great way to get in a workout without having to plan or think about it.
